Source code for postgis_helpers.config_helpers

Summary of ````

You may have lots of SQL database connections.
Or maybe you just want to keep your database
connection information out of your analysis
code. This module provides a method for storing
and retrieving connections to database clusters
by named profiles inside ``[square_brackets]``.

TODO: update this with new features
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

from .console import _console

DATA_ROOT = Path.home() / "sql_data_io"

DB_CONFIG_FILEPATH = DATA_ROOT / "database_connections.cfg"

pw = this-is-a-placeholder-password
port = 5432
super_db = postgres
super_un = postgres
super_pw = this-is-another-placeholder-password

host = localhost
un = postgres
pw = your-password-here

un = your-username-here
host =
pw = your-password-here
port = 98765
sslmode = require
super_db = your_default_db
super_un = your_super_admin
super_pw = some_super_password12354

[docs]def make_config_file( filepath: Union[Path, str] = DB_CONFIG_FILEPATH, overwrite: bool = False ) -> bool: filepath = Path(filepath) # Make sure the parent fiolder exists if not filepath.parent.exists(): filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True) if not overwrite and filepath.exists(): _console.print( f":eyes: Config file already exists and overwrite=False. Will not overwrite." ) return False else: if filepath.exists(): _console.print( f":fast-forward_button: Overwriting config file at {filepath}" ) else: _console.print(f":play_button: Creating a new config file at {filepath}") with open(filepath, "w") as open_file: open_file.write(STARTER_CONFIG_FILE) return True
[docs]def read_config_file(filepath: Path = DB_CONFIG_FILEPATH) -> dict: config = configparser.ConfigParser() all_hosts = {} for host in config.sections(): all_hosts[host] = {} for key in config[host]: value = config[host][key] all_hosts[host][key] = value _console.print(f"Loaded db configurations from {filepath}") return all_hosts
[docs]def configurations(filepath: Path = DB_CONFIG_FILEPATH) -> dict: if not filepath.exists(): make_config_file(filepath) return read_config_file(filepath)