Source code for postgis_helpers.raw_data

import requests
import zipfile
import io
from pathlib import Path

from .config_helpers import DEFAULT_DATA_INBOX, DEFAULT_DATA_OUTBOX

[docs]class DataSource: def __init__( self, sql_table_name: str, data_type: str, url: str = None, epsg: int = None, import_folder: Path = None, export_folder: Path = None, zip_file: bool = False, ): self.SQL_TABLE_NAME = sql_table_name self.DATA_TYPE = data_type self.URL = url self.EPSG = epsg self.ZIP_FILE = zip_file # IMPORT FOLDER # - This is where SQL is going to load data from # - If the data has a URL, it will be downloaded into here # - Otherwise, manually place the data into this folder if not import_folder: self.IMPORT_FOLDER = DEFAULT_DATA_INBOX / sql_table_name else: self.IMPORT_FOLDER = import_folder / "inbox" / sql_table_name # EXPORT FOLDER # - Save here when exporting from SQL if not export_folder: self.EXPORT_FOLDER = DEFAULT_DATA_OUTBOX / sql_table_name else: self.EXPORT_FOLDER = export_folder / "outbox" / sql_table_name
[docs] def filepath_import(self): """ Filepath that will be used to LOAD INTO SQL """ return self.IMPORT_FOLDER / f"{self.SQL_TABLE_NAME}.{self.DATA_TYPE}"
[docs] def filepath_export(self): """ Filepath for data EXPORTED FROM SQL """ return self.EXPORT_FOLDER / f"{self.SQL_TABLE_NAME}.{self.DATA_TYPE}"
[docs] def download_data(self, output_folder: Path = None): """ Download data from URL to the IMPORT_FOLDER """ if not self.URL: print("This object does not have a URL") return None else: if not output_folder: output_folder = self.IMPORT_FOLDER if not output_folder.exists(): output_folder.mkdir(parents=True) response = requests.get(self.URL) if self.ZIP_FILE: zipped_data = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) zipped_data.extractall(output_folder) else: open_file = open(self.filepath_import(), "wb") open_file.write(response.content) open_file.close()
[docs] def flush_folder(self, data_folder: Path): """ Delete all files within a folder, then delete the folder """ if data_folder.exists(): for f in data_folder.iterdir(): if f.is_file(): f.unlink() data_folder.rmdir() print(f"Deleted {data_folder}")
[docs] def flush_data(self): """ Delete the import and export folders """ self.flush_folder(self.IMPORT_FOLDER) self.flush_folder(self.EXPORT_FOLDER)
csv_data = DataSource( "covid_2020_06_10", "csv", "", ) shp_data = DataSource( sql_table_name="high_injury_network_2017", data_type="shp", url="*+FROM+high_injury_network_2017&filename=high_injury_network_2017&format=shp&skipfields=cartodb_id", epsg=2272, zip_file=True, )