Source code for postgis_helpers.tests.fixtures

This module defines local and remote database fixtures.
These fixtures are used in the tests contained in the
``test_*.py`` files.

TODO: replace the ``digitalocean`` reference with
any non-localhost key present.
from ward import fixture

from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path

from postgis_helpers import PostgreSQL, configurations

[docs]class DataForTest: def __init__( self, table_name: str, data_type: str, url_path: str = None, epsg: int = None, import_folder: Path = None, export_folder: Path = None, ): self.NAME = table_name self.PATH_URL = url_path self.EPSG = epsg self.DATA_TYPE = data_type # FOLDER TO SAVE EXPORTED DATA if not export_folder: self.EXPORT_FOLDER = Path.home() / "postgis_helpers" / "test_data" else: self.EXPORT_FOLDER = export_folder # FOLDER TO LOAD DOWNLOADED DATA FROM if not import_folder: self.IMPORT_FOLDER = Path.home() / "Downloads" / table_name else: self.IMPORT_FOLDER = import_folder # Ensure that these folders exist if not self.EXPORT_FOLDER.exists(): self.EXPORT_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True) if not self.IMPORT_FOLDER.exists(): self.IMPORT_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True) self.IMPORT_FILEPATH = self.IMPORT_FOLDER / f"{self.NAME}.{self.DATA_TYPE}"
[docs] def is_spatial(self): if self.EPSG: return True else: return False
[docs] def flush_local_data(self): data_folder = self.EXPORT_FOLDER / self.NAME for f in data_folder.iterdir(): if f.is_file(): f.unlink() data_folder.rmdir() print(f"Deleted {data_folder}")
test_csv_data = DataForTest( "covid_2020_06_10", "csv", "", ) test_shp_data = DataForTest( "high_injury_network_2017", "shp", "*+FROM+high_injury_network_2017&filename=high_injury_network_2017&format=shp&skipfields=cartodb_id", 2272, )
[docs]@fixture(scope="global") def database_1(): # Set up the database db = PostgreSQL( "test_from_ward", verbosity="minimal", **configurations()["localhost"] ) # Import CSV and shapefile data sources db.import_csv(test_csv_data.NAME, test_csv_data.PATH_URL, if_exists="replace") db.import_geodata(test_shp_data.NAME, test_shp_data.PATH_URL, if_exists="replace") # Yield to the test yield db # Don't tear down this database!!! # This is done later as part of # Delete temp shapefiles test_shp_data.flush_local_data() test_csv_data.flush_local_data()
[docs]@fixture(scope="global") def database_2(): # Set up the database db = PostgreSQL( "test_from_ward_2", verbosity="minimal", **configurations()["localhost"] ) # Yield to the test yield db # Tear down this database automatically db.db_delete()